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![]() The most important thing in this life is to know where you will spend eternity. The images below are the front and back of a 5 by 8 card with verses from the Bible. These verses talk about salvation according to the Christian Bible. Biblical salvation (being saved from God's wrath on unrepentant sinners) offers the hope and reality of a better life now as well as assurance of where you will spend eternity.
![]() My parents selected these verses and designed the card. They have distributed these cards on street corners in New York City and other places. God does the saving (John 6:44). A saved person will begin to obey God's commandments (John 14:15) and want to learn more about Him (Psalm 1:1-2). There are many more verses that talk about Salvation, and all too often these verses are overlooked. I believe the serious Christian should consider these verses and what they say about salvation.
Salvation is only through the Messiah
Salvation and the need for baptism?
Salvation and the need for repentance
Salvation and the need for living righteously
There are many other verses that stress the importance of living righteously:
But the Bible also says: How then can we obtain a righteous life?
Salvation and the need for imputed righteousness
Salvation is a gift, not earned by works
Only one Name:
Want to know more?
Whether you find yourself interested in learning more or if you are put off by what I've said so far consider this: The Bible claims to be God's message to mankind. The Bible makes some pretty astounding statements regarding itself, God, the human condition, and God's requirements for humans to avoid His wrath. Even if these claims are not true, the Bible defines a much higher standard than any other religion I know of, and this fact alone should give cause for anyone interested in their relationship with God to study what the Bible has to say carefully. Anyone who believes their way is the only way to salvation should consider this: God ultimately makes the decision about who is right with him and who isn't. This should be very humbling to anyone who believes they have found the only true way to salvation.
This web site is under ongoing review. I do not claim to have knowledge of all things. As I learn more, I will change what I said to reflect what I have learned. I enjoy discussing anything mentioned on my site, so please feel free to share. All I ask is that you format any correspondence in the form of comments, questions, and constructive criticisms. Please be polite! |
With all I've said above in mind, here are some my various interests and hobbies.
I am a Christian. As such, I believe the Bible to be the word of God. If you think the Bible is dull, boring, or irrelevant, you haven't seen this.
I am interested in conservative issues concerning America's government, Constitution, freedom, liberty, truth, and the lives of the people that make up America.
If you think I'm Crazy, Click here.
I believe God provided in nature all the necessary foods and nutrients we need to maintain a reasonably healthy life. Therefore, I am interested in Health and Nutrition issues.
I like to promote things that increase our productivity, and/or reduce our dependence on distant sources for basic needs, including energy and food. This page describes my ideas concerning Self Sufficiency for basic needs
I believe stable Families provide the best building blocks for a stable and civil society.
Here is a bunch of humor that my college friends and I came up with during my years at college.
Click here for a tribute to the Land of MakeBelieve , a children's play land that no longer exists.
I am a fan of Lego bricks. Here are some of my creations.
Click here to view my list of web page links and URL's that I've come across that I've found interesting. I also have a collection of text files with information on various subjects which are indexed here.
I prefer Apple Macintosh computers. I have written some software and done other cool stuff with Macs.
I like to make maps. I have created several maps for at least a couple different organizations. I have also created a software application for the Apple Macintosh computer (pre OS X) that can plot GPS waypoints, effectively creating a map.
2x2=4 |
I am a railfan, which means I like railroads and trains. Click here to read about railroad stuff that I'm interested in.
Here is my Resume, which includes services I offer and more detailed descriptions of the various experiences I have had that aren't mentioned elsewhere on my site. These include accomplishments, projects I've been involved in, activities I've participated in, jobs I've had, and hobbies I enjoy.
This is a collection of thoughts that I have had on a variety of topics. Please read these thoughts with discretion. Feel free to dissect, discuss, and share these thoughts with others, as appropriate. Please use careful discretion before starting to read a thought, and when you do read a thought, read the whole thing to get the fullest and most intended benefit from it. Comments, questions, and constructive criticisms are welcome and encouraged.
I have many other interests. Click here for information about making Maple syrup, Creation/Evolution, Hiking, Camping, Stamp Collecting, Life Goals, and other things. These things can also be accessed through my Resume.
History of this site:
This web site started as a desire to have a web site. While in college, a friend of mine set up my Unix account to host a web site. For several months, my site had nothing more than my name on it. Then, creating a web site became an assignment for one of my classes. At that point, my web site was born. That was in the fall of 1995. After I graduated college, I moved my web site onto AOL, and it has been there ever since. I have added to it little by little over the years.
Web Philosophy used by my site:
I believe that web pages are best suited for either static information or information that changes frequently but the old information is no longer relevant. When a web page is updated, nobody will know about it unless you tell them. And even when you do tell them, they may not check the page right away. If you then change the information on the site, they may never see what you had there. Also, it's easier to leave a web page as is, making it like a library, useful as a reference for information. For my purposes, I will generally use my web site in this way, which means it won't change much. Most changes will be adding new information, removing outdated information, improving organization, grammar, clarity, accuracy, and the like.
Web site disclamer (IMPORTANT!):
This web site is and always will be a work in progress. I regularly review the materail on this site looking for ways to improve what is here. Your help is much appreciated, and I welcome and am encouraged by all comments, questions, and constructive criticisms. Please send such correspondence to
I send out an e-mail at least once a year letting people know when I make changes. If you'd like to receive such notification, just send e-mail to, and let me know. When you write, please let me know how you found my web site and the address for your web page if you have one.
Link to my site:
Feel free to add a link from your site to my site. The address is:
Web page counter:
What's better than a web page counter? How about the number of people who have made initial contact with you through your web site? So far, as of October 3, 2024 I've had at least
initial contacts through my web site. Based on these contacts, the most popular page, by a long shot, is Land of MakeBelieve .
This site last updated October 2024
Created by Bill Ensinger Feel free to respond to anything at this site at this address.
This site was created on my Macintosh using BBEdit Lite.